Thursday 13 March 2014

Wireless Broadband

And my PC stopped working for a bit today. Luckily Timmy was here and he switched some switches off and on again and got it all back working. I said "What's that icon here, there's usually...." and he said "It's a Broadband icon, what you have had here (for a number of weeks/months) is a Wireless Broadband icon
So good lord, it is slightly faster and more reliable now.....


And I am not going to gym for a practice session today as I am having an early lunch then meeting Sara (a physio) at the National Botanical Gardens (noisy second link) where we are going for a long walk
Oh. My. Ged. Wasn't that amazing, such a good place. So I walked miles up and down a slopy bit and about ½ way round the largest glasshouse in Europe or summat. But I was too busy walking to take many photos but it was lovely