Wednesday 6 May 2015


So we are going off swimming in a bit before coming back and awaiting the wheelchair fixer chap who is gonna fit some don't tip over backwards bits to my new chair
Well that was strange, I was thinking my right foot/leg is better but I can't say how/why but then it occured to me, getting into the pool I was able to use my right leg to get me down the last long step getting in, then when I was getting out I was able to use it to do the opposite. For 12.summat years my right leg hasn't been that capable but today it is
But we just beat him here, he was 25 minutes early so I was still eating my lunch when he arrived, he fitted a tip the chair backwards up a kerb device instead of what I expected, but I am pleased anyway, it works and makes it easier to push me

Pooper Scooper

And first thing s'morning the phones stopped working, I thought "WTF ?" Then realisedd the internet was down too then a few minutes later it all started working much faster