Friday 8 June 2012


So for dinner tonight we just ate here, so Paul sloped off, left me with Mum and Dad and Gareth. We sat around for a bit then were joined by David and Nora. So we sat down at dinner table, ordered drinks and said "Give us 5 minutes longer to choose food" then another waiter came to our table and said "Bottle of champagne from Rajesh RanaS the friend I havent seen for 25 years but am seeing tomorrow. Then we had a delicous dinner and drank another bottle of champagne with Dads birthday cake

I can't cope

Lordy what a day. My father drove us to his housw s'morning in his car. While we were there he went and fetched my Auntie Margaret and Uncle Hubert from their house to see me, they haven
t seen me since b4 my accident so it was a bit strange. After they were taken back I was pushed along to see the house I lived in until I was 11 and 2 or 3 streets up the much bigger house my parents lived in until after I left Belfasr


Lordy, apparently I snore. (According to underslept Paul)


So here we are upstairs (OK, up in the lift) in the hotel having breakfast