Tuesday 10 March 2015


And when we returned from swimming today who was sitting in her car outside but the landlady. She said she had phoned the house but there was no answer so she had come herself to let in the plumber who she was now waiting for. Because part of the deal me buying the house involves a new boiler.
So it looks like the sale is going ahead
The plumber was just here to check the fitments etc on the boiler. He will be over next weekend to fit it, hopefully


And because we had strange gymming instead of swimming yesterday then we are going to the pool today.
Sigh some more. So I went in without my t-shirt as my spotty chest has gone and today we had a "swimming but no exercise" day and did 10 lengths of backstroke wita floating aid today. So tomorrow we will have an "exercise but no (or 'less') swimming" day
But again I didn't sit in the shower chair in the changing room, I used it to lean on while walking but didn't sit in it