Thursday, 11 May 2017


So s'morning we popped to the gym to do loadsa exercises. Today I tried one of the lean back and pedal machines but after 5 minutes I had to stop and get on a proper cycle

First Things First

Then s'morning we popped into Caffi Iechyd Da to pick up the smaller than usual organic delivery as today is the only day of the week that they come down this way and we also popped into Morrison's to but some staff shopping so I got myself another wash towels and bedding washing powder but I will leave the rest 'til Monday.
AND I remembered to buy our Na'an bread so we had pizza and chips for dinner 😊


So I was sat outside reading and GGtGG had a conversation with the next door neighbours. They are travelling to Dorset this weekend because her father is dying.
What a coincidence....