Friday 21 August 2015


Then we went out and I paid for everyone's dinner, 5 of us, me, my parents, Ian and Hannah. But it was delicious at Tafarn Tanerdy


Then we all headed out to gym, I was getting on, again so improving then half way thru the class my mum went downstairs to meet Ian and Hannah and brought them up to watch. Again as I havent seen them for some months they commented on how much I am improving


So me and GGtGG went into Aardvark, met my parents there and bought loads of stuff, including some extras that will be used next month as my parents were buying

Last Night's Crisis

Then last night I got a bit fed up with my bedroom monitor slipping, so I pulled off the external piece, it stopped monitoring. So s'morning after I had eaten my toast (no muesli left) I had to go "TIMMY....." but Tim'll'fix'it fixed it so I don't need to go shopping for a new monitor