Sunday 28 August 2011


And I cooked some food this afternoon, a Tomato thingy which I haven't cooked the pasta for yet as Toby hasn't arrived yet, but he is coming here for tea later
And he did come for tea, it was good, he looked well, seemed happy etc etc
And he is starting college on Monday week, A levels are us


And I finally made Blogger underline links without me having to add link text to the link
And then, more exploring, I made it automatically put a 'target=_blank' bit that again I was bored typing it on every link, now I just put the link in. Alone, all by itself and it automatically does it


And I watched Last Of The Summer Wine on some old programs TV channel


Well I had my breakfast eventually, after a pooh and a shave

More Hosing

This morning it was beautiful and clear with a hosed ground/car, like last week