Friday 6 April 2018

Move It

Then RoyGBiv brought in some bits so he was able to fit them to the chair in my bedroom so we could then move it into the kitchen and stick it in the usual chair position as we can now move it etc silently, well with a lot less noise

Got It/Them

And then s'afternoon 'they' txted me to say "They have arrived, all of them" so we had to pop to the Chemist Next Door To The Doctors On King St and pick up my new sockings which I will be able to take to Belfast with me

Sam's Class

Then we went to Sam's Class at the gym for the usual Friday workout and it went well. Except that she said Gaynor(?) is gonna have to take the class next week as she will be working away


And today I am sh*t*ing myself as on Monday morning we have to get up early and head for Bristol to the airport to head to Belfast