Sunday 29 November 2015


And the scary wind has gone again, it was 65 mph earlier, it is back to 12ish 8 now

Bread Knife

And I had to call Timmy tonight, I couldn't get the knife thru the swede. He looked, said "We need a sharp knife", and took out one with no bristles on it, unlike the knife I had been using by mistake.
After I had eaten and washed up etc it occurred to me, that knife that I was trying (and failing) to cut the veg with was commonly called a Bread Knife
Us Brain Injured Chaps can sometimes forget simple, sensible things

.... Miller

And it is so windy and raining that I have just switched the taking steam out of the bathroom machine back on as I think opening the window is a bit of a no no

10 Improvement

And Windows 10 doesn't seem to need me to switch off Yahoo mail every time I leave the PC because it just seems to come back on when I touch the mouse which it didn't do with the last version of Windows. If I left it then nowt would happen when I touched the mouse or keyboard, I would have to hold down the power button for 10 seconds to make it emergency power down then switch it back on etc to look at emails etc, but today I was experimenting with leaving and it just seemed to come back on
I have stopped trying to figure out Microsoft Edge browser, and just switched back to Google Chrome and it seems to work.


Ow, so s'morning I had a "Criticise Timmy's bed making skills" session as he had to change my bed but, woe is me, I was a bit stuck for stuff to criticise him on