Monday 29 December 2014


And I have just watched a program about Dave Allen being on telly in the 70's and just wow

Surprise Visitor

After lunch there was a knock on the door. It was Brian, Julia's father and Toby, my first born son who I didn't even know was in Wales, come to see me.


So s'morning we kind of hung about here waiting, no phone call from the landlord as he had promised. Eventually a strange van pulled up and someone knocked the door. It was two plumbers that the landlord had arranged to fix the heating. In about 2 minutes it was up and running but then he said "We promised to fix this bit last time, hang on", made a phone call, popped off and did a purchase then came back and fixed the flaw that they promised they would fix months ago.
I was nervous running my bath after they had been operating but it all worked well. So long may it continue etc...