Monday 30 March 2015

That T Place

So we went to Tesco's tonight, I picked up a new "roasting veg in" tray as the old one is loosing it's non stick surface (as in I bought a dearer version), thought "May as well while we are here" about sweet potato oven chips and got another sprayer of oil


And I had thought earlier "Lets go for a walk later" but it seems to be a bit too wet to try


So me and Timmy took ourselves off swimming today. But it's half term so it was a bit busier than usual but not too much. I did 4 lengths with the float device and 4 breadths with no support.
12 years since I was able to do that in the past, I had to do breadths as I am too scared to swim in the deep end but I did it

So Hard

As I am practicing walking without my 'stick it is so much harder to right heel first followed by a tiny bend of the knee. It is so difficult to just walk. Most people can do it - just wow etc

Paying Double

And my ex landlord phoned me s'morning to say that he had been paid rent for next month whereas I had bought the house so can we give him some details about where to pay it back
A very honest men!!!