Thursday 27 February 2014

Cash Card

So I went to the bank machine today, put in my savings account card and it said "No, wrong PIN number"' I tried again and it still said "No", so I panicked, I knew if I got it wrong again it would eat my card, pressed "Exit" and got my card back, put the other one in and took out cash. But "Duh" it wasn't the petty cash card, I had entered the wrong number twice.

Iechyd Down Dilly

And we are meeting Freya in the folk club that happens once a month in Iechyd Da (noisy link) tonight
And it seemed quiet but still rather good musicians tonight


Then we went to gym for a practice session and I did 10 minutes on the treadmill then 15 minutes (which I hadn't managed t'other day) on the cycle. Then we nipped to shops then came home for lunch

First Things First

So first thing s'morning the wheelchair fixer came out, made some notes on what I need and will phone me to make another appointment to actually fix it. He also said that as this chair is 9 years old he will put in for an assessment for a new one for me.
Then the gorgeous toenail chopper came and chopped my toenails and was generally as beautiful as a.....
It's only half past 10 in't morning and they have both been and gone already