Thursday 9 June 2016


Bennett.  So we had lunch in some cafe by the road and made our way back. Done the washing, had my bath, got into bed for a nap. Afterwards we have to head to Dr's and chemist to get a new 'script then to MoreReasonsToShopAt... to get some dinner for the week then I may begin to land a little, actually look at my 'puter.


So we left so early s'morning to have a 20 min period in't loo so I hadn't been able to have a pooh. When we got to the airport I went and sneaked one. Phew

Too Early

So we got up early and headed off to the airport home. Sitting at the airport now. We left too early to see any family s'morning but when we called in to get petrol that was where Gareth sells food so we did see him