Friday 10 June 2016


So at gym today I was thinking "Lord, am I moving faster this week?". Then later in the day MM said to me that I looked like I was moving quicker, so obviously I am. He also said that I seem to be walking more "evenly", less lopsidedly


Well I went and had my weekly gym class today which I was a bit nervous about having been resting this week but I think that long walks etc have kept fitness and health up. I went to the class and just did it like normal
Sam announced half way thru the class that I was a Mwnci drwg


So as well as feeling odd I need to get myself back into exercise routine today. As it happens Friday is the only day of the week that I go to an organised class @ Leisure Center

Feels Odd

So yesterday I was having my breakfast in a different country. System=shocked etc