Monday 2 July 2012


So we went out to a Folk Club in Burry Port tonight and it was excelent, esp a group af chaps playing with 1 guitar, one violin and one whistle
And earlier when Timmy was putting cream on my legs he said how much smaller my left foot looks ATM

Bathing Again

And I had an earlyish bath today as we are going out after tea. Good lord, thats the third bath in 3 days

'Mail Crisis

And s'morning I turned my 'puter on, collected email, and for my main account it said "Nah, wrong password". It worked yesterday...... So I went on to BtYahoo and changed my password and it still wouldn't work. In an email they sent to me it said "It might take time, try again in a bit". So I went in t'other room for a bit. Came back and it still wouldn't work. Greeted Timmy, made him a brew tried again and it finally worked

What A Night

So last night I got drunk, Ed nipped to bed, I got more drunk then tried to go to bed. Except I couldn't find the lightswitch to my room. So I sat in the living room for a bit, feeling grumpier and grumpier, until I gave up and found my way in in the dark and went to bed