Monday 29 May 2017


A couple of hours ago I noticed on the phone next to my PC it said "No service", I looked at the main phone in the hall and it said the same, but the interweb was still working.
Puzzled, an hour later that had been replaced by it saying "Line 1" etc then another hour later it rang twice, stopped ringing before I could pick it up and didn't say "Call from...." like it usually does

Well Timed Visitors

So s'evening just after I had stuck 2 spuds in the oven to bake Sam&Emma phoned and said "R u in?" then popped round for a visit before setting off once more to their home. They came round and chatted for a bit then said "Tara". Then I put on the saucepan of stuff to accompany the spuds, heated it then the alarm rang saying "Dinner ready"
So a well timed "Tara" was had

Spring Bank Holiday

Oh what fun we had.......
Noisy link. Not too unacceptable.....