Thursday, 23 March 2017


So tomorrow first thing me and MM have to head to the Carmarthen toenail chopper on Lammas St in town for them to cut my toenails

Train Sign

And after the terrorist attacks t'other day today on Facebook I saw a sign from a railway station in London which is showing the spirit that we all need

To Where?

Then after an early lunch we headed off to the bowling in Swansea. On the way there Timmy said "So where is it we are heading?", I said "I dunno, that's your job"..... so first of all we called in to the first bowling place, no, nobody there, we got back in the car and drove for a bit to somewhere else, still no sign. So we shrugged and drove back, stopping in Carmarthen for me to buy a bun for Timmy to say "Ta for not taking me to the gym today" and then came home

Busy First Thing

So first thing s'morning me and Timmy first of all popped to Iechyd Da to fetch my organic delivery. Today we got a parking space in the closest spot of all so I was able to accompany Timmy to do the fetching veg.
Then, before going home, we popped to Morrisons, this week we didn't need to top up the organic order for the second week in a row, it had all arrived.