Wednesday 4 January 2012


So we went to Llanelli looking for the Folk Club, after we waited 20 minutes a man came up to us and said "Not tonight" so we drove off back to Carmarthen.
We were originally going to the pub at the bottom of my road but I said "Take me elsewhere" and we ended up in the Stag And Pheasant which seemed worth the trip, reasonably busy even tho it was only Wednesday night etc etc


So I said to Tim(my) that I have a bit of an allergic reaction on my leg to my splint. He said "OK, lets look", took my splint off and could see the rash and it only coincided with the metal bits on the inside of attachments. He put 2 sticky plasters on the metal bits and it now feels so much better

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Then Sarah the Occupational Therapist came to see me and we talked about loadsa stuff. Basically we arranged what we are gonna be doing in the next few months sessions. We are gonna be looking at The Hero's Journey but/and we needed some extra stuff. Some cooking, some watching telly, some of getting a life
And she discussed my being able to write with my right hand and what we were gonna look at improving next time


Tim(my) came in s'morning, we went shopping, bought some blueberries, tra la la