Tuesday 2 July 2013

Busy Visit

So we (me and Timmy) went to the doctors and asked him about loada stuff.
First and foremost was the Thyroid Function Test which after talking about it he gave me a card to have blood texts done and then we will find out more. So Denyse will phone him for the results tomorrow
Apropos of nothing I had another brown inhaler off him
He also gave me some tablets to try and cut down on my cough, which did get a lot better when I switched to a new blue inhaler yesterday
Lastly he gave me a list of questions to fill in (tomorrow with Denyse too) about Sleep Apnea, which I may also be suffering from
Then last of all we nipped to the hospital where someone took my blood for the Thyroid test
New Socks - and I tried on my new pair of socks today to no avail