Wednesday 17 July 2013


So Timmy told me today that they met up with Denyse yesterday and she mentioned how the chocolate or yoghurt peanuts and raisins that I have been buying as a snack are dangerous (choking) and very fattening and I would do better to go back to purchasing a bar of Green&Blacks organic chocolate like I used to as it is less fattening


And for a snack today I had 6 or 7 ultra fresh organic strawberries from my Trug. Just mmmmmm     

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone


So TechnoTimmy came in today and even before I had time to show him my list of queries the postman brought an enormous armful of Techno crises, which we had to deal with.
Then we got stuck into my crises, the sending email from my phone in plain text is still query and TT is currently sitting behind me with my phone in his hand.
Listening to Radio 5 turned out to be no problem, instead of approaching it thru my browser he said "That radio app, use that" and it just worked, once we had found the station
And lordy BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP, TechnoTimmy finally found, downloaded and installed an App that sends plain text emails, so I can now now send Ixion emails if I am not sitting at my PC