Friday 15 June 2018

Unexpected Visitor

Then tonight when I was half way thru cooking tea there was a knock at the door, I thought "WTF?", went to the door and it was Julia. She said "I am just working across the way and had an hour to spare" and went on to tell me how much I have changed, I was able to answer the door then go on cooking while talking to her

I *AM* Getting Better

And it occurs to me s'morning. That little picture that I posted yesterday, I simply couldn't walk round there to do that for years. It wasn't just laziness, it was inability to walk on that surface
Hah, I am so much better at that nowadays...... 😏


We have been having discussions for a few days about how to replace the greenhouse. I think after much discussion that next winter (when the plants in it have grown) we are gonna replace it with a Lean To Greenhouse (for example) which will be a lot more stable etc but equally accessible

Not Weekend Yet #2

So I have to go to the gym class today but then tonight we are heading to The Lyric Theatre to see Tom Allen there
Which was a bit strange. Yes, I enjoyed it, laughed etc but it seems to have left almost no memory in my head. I had to check in my diary s'morning to see where we went last night