Friday 12 November 2010


So I was outside tonight and I thought "Try my eye again", took off my patch, thought "Flip!!!! So as my my eye is usually under an eyepatch or I'm asleep, WTF is it improving? Too much to think about


So later I felt absolutely knackered because I had gotten up so early but there is no point going to bed early as I will wake up even earlier tomorrow


The ambulance taxi arrived and took me to the hospital where they were going to inject me. Both Doctors were there, 1 the chap I saw on Tuesday and 2 the chap that I haven't seen for about 3 years. First of all number 2 was really impressed with how much progress I made in that time. They had a conference about my arm and did decide to inject me. So Doctor 1 got 4 syringes ready and injected it into 2 muscles. As of yet it hasn't made much difference but I will wait and see
Actually no, just stretching on the table and possibly it doesn't hurt as much as it used to, as in the tightness is going

ETB, ETR....

Gosh, I got up at 5.30AM this morning but it may be because I am eager to go to hospital.... which I will, in hours