Tuesday 25 March 2014


And I have just come into the kitchen for a brew. I sat down and tried a game of Solitaire. I lost. So I tried a game of Backgammon. I lost that too. So finally I tried a game of pool. Loser
So later I went in again to try and change my luck. So Solitaire. Loser - again, still.....
And again s'morning.....


So I needed a nap today. I was late and I was busy. Anyway just before I napped I was having trouble with one of my web pages, couldn't see the problem. Timmy looked and said "You have got 'A,C,B" instead of "A,B,C".
I couldn't see it at all as I was fatigued. I didn't sleep but rested my brain afterwards

Right Hand

And after I had my bath today I was thinking about how much better at drying me my right arm/hand has got. But I am out of the way of using it, I generally just dry with my left hand. What is the quickest and easiest way of breaking bad habits?


So we got up later and sitting about, waiting 'til about 12.15 when we go off and meet Sara at gym where she can tell me to do loadsa extra workouts etc
And wow, what a different day at the gym that was. So last few times we have been there together we have been working on Cardio Vascular stuff, improving my heart etc, but today I was working on the machines that I usually walk straight past, working on the lifting weights machines. Lifting them with both arms
It was well different, hard but again I can feel myself getting better

Getting up

So I was up for a pee about quarter past 5 s'morning and the noise of the birds singing then was unbelievable
And when I got up again at 8 o'clock they had finished singing for the day