Monday 25 August 2014

Bank Holiday

So as it's a bank holiday we didn't go swimming today but did a session at the gym. Today I cycled 3.44km so I am getting better really quickly
And as I was about to email Caroline and say "Where's my dole(*)?" I remembered that it is a bank holiday and I should get it tomorrow
(*) Or whatever the equivalent I get now

Lap Top-ing

And Timmy has just been on't phone to Ed and I think basically they agreed that the staff lap top is f*cked and they have tried anti-virus so perhaps I better fork out for a new one
Well as TechnoTimmy is here at present and trying loads of stuff dunno....
Well it appears to have been a piece of malware that had got in somehow, so fingers crossed now


And watching telly, because my iPad wouldn't let me, about to go to bed when HHGTTG episode 1 came on. Wow, I recall but not the style &c
It is good