Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Saving JPGs

And it occurred to me today when I go to save a JPG, it says SAVE, below that SAVE AS then bottom SAVE FOR WEB which if you click it, I discovered today, you can adjust various stuff to make the picture file smaller, sometimes 80% lower, but the picture the same size IYSWIM

It's Sh*t

See being this poorly...... (swear swear swear)

Men On The Moon

So I was outside this evening and I noticed a beautiful moon. For some reason I thought "Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin" which it turns out was correct. Very strange and not really relevant but more proof that my memory is getting better


Then tomorrow I am meeting the first of MY EMPLOYEES, he's coming here at 10AM and afterwards we are going into Carmarthen shopping etc. It might not sound that exciting but it's the first of my staff who will be making me very busy for the next X weeks


Well Denyse came in s'morning and listened to me waffling about how excited I was about tomorrow then Nic Cosmos came in from CBS. He looked at my flat now, measured it and door widths etc, and we talked about the place I will wanna buy, what I want/need etc. He seemed quite pleasant but I feel a bit 'done and dusted' now.

Up And At 'Em

So I set my alarm last night as I need to be up in time today. Woke up s'morning, got up then 3/4 of an hour later my alarm clock beeped