Tuesday 18 June 2013


So we nipped into Boots to buy an obscure sized battery for my bionessthingy and they said "Sorry, usually sell 'em but we have none ATM"
"But you could try here on't market"
And that led to Neil grinning later


And for dinner tonight we had veggie burgers and Batchelors cheese'n'brocolli bake which was absolutely lovely. I don't remember where the cheese'n'brocolli came from but if I see it again I will but 10

Voluntary Work

So me and NaughtyNick headed over to Trysordy the recycling place where again I took loadsa photos of stuff they are working on but then half way thru the camera ran out of battery. So instead I got stuck into loads of cones with a bit of thread left on, which I think came from a clothes factory so we had to split thread from the cones as both are sellable, seperately