Monday 18 December 2017

Then we popped into town as there was a pressure of the shop closing by the time I have had my bath

Then we popped to B&Q to try and get some sanding bits to attach to the sander that GGtGG lent me for tomorrows session at The Men's Shed but they had none there. We even asked a chap.
But I did ask him where to go, an alternative, he said Charlies where they did actually have the bits we needed. GGtGG paid for them, they only cost IIRC £4.50 for 20 pads which I might only need 1 or two of

First Of All

So then we popped to gym to one of Sam's classes. Except it wasn't taken by her. It was strange, still struggling with some stuff but better than I have ever been at some other stuff.
Afterwards I spoke to the instructor, told him to pass it onto Sam, I was well happy with the quality of his teaching but he wasn't even a tenth as beautiful as she is

Uber Dubious

So feeling more dubious s'morning GGtGG said "You can go to Sam's class today, as you are gonna miss her on Friday" so while we were heading into town we called in gym and checked time.
Then we popped to the Drs to get my 'script.
THEN GGtGG needed to do some "Buying cleaning products for the house" so we went to about 3 places to do that.
THEN we came home for an early lunch as I am going to Sam's class at 2
And while we were at home I got GGtGG to re-position the FES pads and suddenly I can stop my right knee from beating back into hyper-extended position