Thursday 23 September 2010

Out to play

And I think that I am going to the Folk Club in Llansaint tonight
And I have just spoken on the phone and agreed to leave my wheelchair behind and walk there
And wasn't it FUN, I walked there...


And this afternoon it occurred to me, earlier on I saw some men doing summat with the sign across the road and it occurred to me, it wasn't red writing before, they obviously changed that
And they are saying save money...


And a woman called Tina came in to see me to talk about issues with me moving and difficulties etc. I said "No, you are too slim, I won't be able to remember your name, you are too slim for me to remember OvalTina"


Then last night I was fiddling and I came across a "End name with" thing and I was able to tell it that web pages should have an L at the end instead of just calling them HTM like modern PCs do


So this morning when I was sitting outside Alex was going home from across the road. He came out, looked at his car, swore and said "Flat Tyre". Instead of pumping it up with a "press on this pump with your foot" thing he got out a small box, plugged it into his cigarette lighter, plugged t'other end into his Tyre then spoke to me for 5 minutes while it blew his Tyre up. OK, I might be a bit out of date but I did think "You lazy bugger"

ETB, ETR.....

Gosh, I went to bed as soon as possible last night and woke up at 6.30 s'morning