Saturday 13 August 2016

A Plan For Tomorrow

And we have an early lunch tomorrow then we are heading out to look at The Big Cwtch Venue as it will be RoyGBiv taking me there in September and he wants to learn the route so we can actually find it on the day

They Like It

And some passers by told RoyGBiv (who was working outside) that they like the subtle new colour that my house is

Walking Around Town

So me a RoyGBiv went into town for a walkabout today, so I could practice walking and so he could learn his way around town. We walked up and around and got back to the car after about half an hour. I said let's head home but he said "No, let's carry on"
And when we went back out we came across a singer/busker who was very impressive. I walked over to give her a quid and when she was singing an "I love you" song I kind of acted along as if she was singing to me. She laughed and when the song had finished gave me one of her CDs which is actually rather good


And RoyGBiv is working on his first double shift today and tomorrow. See if I can stand him for the whole weekend