Saturday 4 June 2016


So it is 10 to 11 at night and I am still sitting outside, it is so not cold

Pulling My Knuckles

So in the photos of me today I am sitting in both working to open my right hand further with my left hand. I had no idea that I was when the photos were taken, I only found out when looking at the pics later

Across The Way

So s'morning when I was sitting outside the neighbour from across the road was working in her garden. So I set off around the bottom all the way to her and told her how lovely her garden was and how I was too lazy to have one like it. She smiled at that but did comment on how much better I have got since she moved in last year. She did say how I used to be stuck in a wheelchair whereas "today you can walk round and talk to me"


And when we were in town we met a couple of people who complimented me on being out and about with no wheelchair in sight. One of whom was the woman whose garden I was staying in when I first came to Wales many moons ago


So s'morning we need to nip to the bank to take out some Petty Cash to give to chappies when they accompany me to Belfast as their "spendable" cash.
And just generally 'cos I want an excuse to nip out for anything
So we did nip in, got a parking space a the end of King St, walked from there to the bank, queued, got the cash etc, walked the rest of the way along King St, had a rest on the benches then walked almost the whole length of King St back to the car. The cash I took out after we came back I gave it to GGtGG to lock away in the office safe 'til Monday