Sunday 2 December 2012


And after the comedy on BBC2 tonight some snooker came on telly, it is many years since I have watched it but I half enjoyed it


So I had the pink laces put especially on my old boots and it won't fit on my new boots, it takes too long a lace, but there is a decorative yellow with bits lace in there anyway


And today I am wearing my new boots for the first time. Gosh they feel heavy and solid but there is still some movement in my ankle. Money (a lot of it) well spent
And I can walk down the hall to the loo without feeling as if my right leg is trying to send me leftwards each step
But gym tomorrow..... wait and see...

Less Expensive Morning Out

So we are nipping to the superdoopermarket s'morning to get a couple of bits I need although I will have to go tomorrow and get salad etc too