Friday 28 April 2017


And we had "the usual" na'an bread pizza and chips for dinner and it was as lovely as a lovely thing, as usual.
Before I did the washing up I went out to a) my trug to water it and b) the greenhouse to water the beetroot and chilli peppers which are there and c) the washing line to bring back in the stuff that I only put there a couple of hours ago to put it on the airer to dry indoors now
But it's just no longer an issue walking across the small stones to the greenhouse, it is just easy nowadays. A repeat

Off Strokewards

And in a bit we are off to my only gym class of the week.
The one I am in now is called a "Stroke" class for those of us recovering......
Well I did it. It was as exhausting as a very exhausting thing but I did it all. And at the end I took my walking stick held sideways off the ground in my right hand and walked out of the classroom, across the other room, down stairs, across the hall, out of the door and the 50 steps to the car without using my walking stick. I think I will start using it again now as I am so tired etc but just wow too

Not A Very Good Recording

But they were being noisy.....
(Renewed now.....)