Monday 23 December 2013


And for dinner tonight we had Quorn pretend meat pies(1) and posh microwavable mashed potatoes. It contains some carrot mash and another veg but it is good too. But it is me learning to experiment, I haven't had Couscous or Supernoodles since Monday and the dinners have been lovely (and easy too - which matters a lot more to me now)

(1) Which I sort of object to pretend meat things, us veggies should like vegetables but they are actually quite delicious too


When we were in town we were a bit distracted by weather etc but before we went I was walking about the house with my FES on, and just how pleased am I. It works incredibly on my wonky ankle to the extent someone told me off for running before I could walk as I was holding my walking stick up off the ground, not using it at all

Ooh Hello

And when we were looking about town for the pirate, in the rain, someone said "Hello" and it was Sam and Emma. I couldn't be sociable as I was cold and wet but it was good to see them anyway

Shopping before Xmas

So in today's list of things to do is a trip out to the mobility shop in Carmarthen to buy a new cover for my bath lift device.
When we are there shopping I may as well go shopping for a new pirate for my model ship that we glued t'other day 
Yes, so first thing s'morning we went into the mobility shop and had to order a new part. She hopes it will be delivered about a week after Christmas then they will phone me and I can collect it. Luckily Paul refitted the old one s'morning.
Next we went and bought some sugar for my visitors to have in a coffee
Then we went pirate shopping, we found one in the third shop we looked in but now it looks better again