Friday 25 July 2014


So while we were at the supermarket s'afternoon a chap came to try to deliver summat. I had asked them to leave it and they did. So my new blueberry protector is protecting them


So s'morning is my biggest shop trip to Aardvark, followed by a gym class. Dunno if Sam is back this week or next but......
Well they sold me loadsa stuff, so ta to them. As we were advised by Timmy we park on the double yellow lines outside the shop, walk in, do my shopping and walk back to the car
Then just before lunch we had to go back to the "Last Samless" class at gym. I think that she hasn't seen me for 2.5 months she is going to be astonished at what I can do now. I was being a bit astonished myself since last weeks  class
And I had my FES fitted but didn't switch it on today
And then as I have to go to the supermarket to pick up some blueberries later (they had none in Aardvark s'morning) I figure I might as well do my whole weeks shop, I think I will be able to get stuff with a long enuf date