Friday 25 September 2015

But I Can't

And I spent ages today farting about with video files. So I made some .mp4 into much smaller .avi files, tried to put them on my website, couldn't. OK, went back and tried to put the .mp4s on, still not working. So I had almost given up, looking again and again for answers on that Interweb when I came across summat which said "Your bandwidth will cost too much, put it on youtube" and 'Doh, of course', that worked


Then Sam did my head in (more than usual) at gym, I was on the stretchy thingy and she looked at me and said "Just crawl backwards" which I just did. Then we were doing various balance exercises, lifting each leg in turn, then each hand etc
It was just really strange, doing stuff that I would have said "No, impossible" tio even a couple of weeks ago


So as usual we went shopping in Aardvark s'morning and found everything that was on my list