Saturday 26 March 2016


So as we were pissing about s'afternon, cutting my hair etc I got about half was thru cooking an enormous pot of curry when I realised that it wasn't gonna be finished for hours so I'd better make summat else to eat tonight too. Aargh, talk about being chaotic. It wasn't too difficult but as physically I wasn't even cooking at all for so long it seemed a bit much, chaotic. But our dinner tonight was nice and there is an enormous pot of curry for tomorrow and the day after etc
Luckily someone else was cleaning up afterwards too


And today I had my haircut by an amateur. GGTGG did it for the first time "without Ed coming in tomorrow" to fix any errors and... he didn't do too bad a job


And I am so jealous that this happened by accident apparently. I have for so long wanted to alter a loo door to say this with a screwdriver or summat


Then we had to nip to the post office (in the back of WH Smiths now instead of on King Street where it used to be) in order to post my passport off "special delivery" to someone who needs to check summat and they need the original but they have been warned that Neil needs it to get on a plane next month