Sunday 7 September 2014

Right Knee

I stood up from my wheelchair and moved towards the car s'morning. A minute later Gareth said "Whassamadda?" as I was still standing up. I was bending my right knee and frankly being astonished at how much it will bend now, how much better it is.


So I saw 3 of these dying off butterflies yesterday then today there was a Red Admiral in my living room!!

Friday Food

Then today we are having the food that I usually cook after shopping on a Friday but as my folks were here we went out instead so tonight we are gonna have my weekly highlight of Roasted Veg
No sorry, that's usually Saturday food we usually have pizza and chips on Friday, that is tomorrows food


Then after lunch we are heading off to take a first glance at that house I found yesterday then off to that T place to buy some things that I couldn't ask my mother for, sweet potato oven chips and Green & Black's Organic Ice Cream
And the first viewing of the house it looked worth chasing up. A bit small, a bit of work needs doing but really cheap that we can perhaps extend and update it within budget. Wait and see tho....

Bye bye family

So my family came over s'morning, then we all fitted into Betty2 and went off shopping. Then we came back here, had a brew and failed to do the crossword between us then it was time for them to all head off back to the airport to fly to Belfast