Tuesday 19 November 2013


So today a) we have to take the car in to be repaired and b) we are going to gym later, not to a class but just time to practice. I need that but hopefully (the beautiful) Sam will be there helping everyone, including me, I need to work on my stamina/fitness etc too
So we have done the first bit now. We took the car to Cawdor Cars and left it in, they said it will take a bit longer as it's the second service and they need to change extra stuff, so they will phone Timmy when it's done. Then we went into Wilkinson's and had a coffee and a mince pie then we got a taxi home. Later when they phone Timmy we will get another taxi back, pick up car and head to gym directly
Right, and we have done the picking up and gym now. It was a bit strange but I did 2 sessions on a treadmill and one session on a bike. Which wore me out but not too much