Monday 19 December 2016


Then l8r we went out with Julia, Adam, the offspring and our bigger kids. A) It made my head hurt how much out babies have grown up, and B)Julia's little girl told me that she approved of the jumper and the hat I was wearing tonight
And briefly tonight we saw Naomi, who used to run Brer Rabbit in town, whose son is now with Julia
And I didn't take a single photo all night

Christmas Crackers

"From the crackers at Saturday's Navigation M.C.C. dinner.

Q. What sort of bike does Father Christmas ride?
A. A Holly Davidson.

Q. What happens to a turkey at Christmas?
A. It gets gobbled."



And Sam, Toby, Freya and Emma came round, drank coffee, were well pleased with their pressies, gave me lovely pressies for Xmas and went off so I could nap
Puff. Chaotic. So in half an hour we will head off to where we are gonna eat tonight. I have already done the washing up for the house

Walking Round The House

And after lunch today I decided to see how much more capable I am these days and set off around my house to the back, alone. There just wasn't an issue, it was easy all the way and back. But there was no bench to sit on out the back.
Possibly a purchase after Xmas....


And as it is now school holidays and we are busy with visitors s'afternoon we just went to gym instead of swimming pool s'morning. We did various upper arm stretchy exercises and another 5 mins on the Upstairs Machine. I did notice that on one of the lifting machines that last week I was only capable of doing it 24 times today I managed all 30 that it sez to do