Wednesday 14 June 2017


So I missed one of my swimming sessions on Monday as I was travelling back and I will miss the aqua aerobics session today as we need to a) Travel to Pyle to see Sara doing all kinds of scary physio and b) As an after thought meet Denyse half way between both out base places so she can...... slag me off or whatever the notes say to do today
Well, what a day #27. So first of all I walked up the steep stairs (frightening Denyse and Timmy) into the meeting room upstairs where we..... held a meeting.
Denyse was actually not telling me off for loadsa stuff but she did say "Why are you off your mind, you must have been naughty". Then I did half an hour on the walky machine, turning round to walk both ways even tho it is much harder when my right side leads. But by the time we got back it was nearly dinner time and I needed a bath and nap first
AND as we were walking back down the long and steep stairs Denyse walked behind me holding onto my bumbag in case I tripped. I didn't and then she had to walk back upstairs to get her handbag and files etc as she couldn't carry them while keeping an eye on me

Where Am I?

Then s'morning when I woke up, despite having been at home for 36 hours, I thought "So where am I today".....