Friday 20 May 2016

Tea Time

So then we had to nip to Morrisons and pick up a bag of new potatoes and a packet of salad, which we ate with a packet of Linda McCartney and it was actually rather pleasant. She has gone home now, she will be working again next Friday with MM again

Team @ Gym

Then we went to gym team handed, me MM and Andrea the new MOS. We got on well, we'll I did while they sat on one side gossiping

Temp MOS

And when we came back from the docs Timmy was midconference with Andrea, the new temp worker. Who has had to come all the way from Cardiff to work with me
But she is being such an OT. In mid conversation I said "Washing up, can't do that" and she replied, "Can't hear you, I'm an OT". Oh dear, we might fall out

Morning Jab

So we popped to the docs for the jab for my Testoserone but they said "No can do, they have stopped making that" and gave me a 'script for tablets for the rest of my life. So we went to the chemist across the way then the chemist next door and neither of them had the pills in stock. So Timmy is gonna phone round the chemists and try to find them. Otherwise we will be back at the docs s'afternoon
Right, they will have them in Boots tomorrow afternoon so I will go and get them. We want injections, I will have to put up with pills this month but hopefully they will have found summat by then