Thursday 12 June 2014

Yet More Walkies

Then today I needed to go to Morrison's for burger buns (guess what's for tea?). So I walked out of the house, left my wheelchair behind, walked into shop, all the way to the bread rolls at the far away bit, walked to till, walked back out, walked home from my car when we got there.
It is easier

Up and Down

So s'morning Sara  came round and did the exercises that I was sh*tting myself about, getting down and up again from the floor. But good lord, it was a lot easier than last time, I am so much better at it, I am getting better etc (noisy link)
AND she mentioned walking onto the beach, paddling etc. So (hopefully) we will head out in a fortnight and walk down the beach barefoot

On My Own....

So the bin men came today and emptied the waste food bin and set it down. I walked out, on my own two feet, picked it up with my right hand and carried it around the side of the house where it lives. Then walked back in my front door