Tuesday 9 July 2013


So here I am, sitting outside just wearing a t-shirt(1) at a quarter to 12 at night

(1) and trousers etc

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

Clean My Teeth

And I am a bit nervous as I have a dentists appointment tomorrow.
They are gonns fix the wonky hole in my tooth

What an afternoon

Later Denyse came to see me, for why I dunno, I think she just had to see me before she went on holiday and she upset me a lot by saying no beer until your cough is mended.
At the time I was angry etc but now I think "Yes, fairy Nuff"
Half way thru our conversation I came over feeling all feint, Denyse said "Are u OK?" but I was, just etc. It is such hard work coughing as I can't breathe while coughing etc

Treasure House

So then we went to Treasure House where I did more helping recycle stuff. Today they were loading a van and I had to make notes (on my phone, translated later by a MOTheirS) of everything they loaded.
And someone told my that I will be taking more pictures next week

Early to rise.....

Erm.... and I was wide awake earlier so I gave in and got up at 7 AM s'morning....