Tuesday 11 July 2017

How Much

And I was so attempted to ask an assistant "How much is yours?" after I saw the note outside about the price

Still Broken

And me and Timmy tried to sort out my bedroom PC but we couldn't. I emailed the seller, wait and see what he says


Then s'morning we had an early lunch then headed off to Pyle to see the temp physio, Rhian (I asked her how to spell that) and she did all kinds of mainly stuff on my arms which had improved it before we left

Lovely Weather

Today, lovely


And my old HDD won't connect to any computer, both new and old. However it still connects to the laptop so I have bought a new drive, we will plug them both into the laptop and transfer all the tunes
We haven't been able to stop the PC switching itself on tho.....

I Timed It Well

So I went outside and cut my lettuce &c today. I set the lettuce by the sink and thought "It's a bit too early to eat....", sat down by my PC and it is raining now, I missed it when I went outside