Friday 18 May 2012


Then later we headed off to Waverley Stores for our weekly shop but while we were there Freya txted me to say "The bus has broken down, can I meet you at yours later" then after we finished the shop we passed her walking up the road to my house and gave her a lift. Then she ate Toby's dish from Tuesday, microwaved, and it actually went down well. She said "No, not spuds" but actually got stuck in and enjoyed it


Then after my swim we actually had food there as Paul wanted to converse with Timmy without distractions so he actually paid for my lunch, then we came back here and I had a nap


And then we (what fun) went to the swimming pool, me and Paul and extra Timmy to check it out


This morning first thing the Physio lady came and did more work on my arm. She thinks that mostly my right arm has just gone to sleep while I was iller. Today I can nearly lift it as high as my left arm which is such an improvement