Tuesday 8 April 2014


Good lord. In the past I was a reader, since my accident less so. I got a Kindle which helped no end. Then I was preoccupied with doing other stuff and forgot about it.
Then last week I started reading again, I thought "What?" and installed "2001 - A Space Odyssey" and no other books.
And tonight I have just finished it. Just wow etc. What shall I read now?

Light Late

And we nipped out in the car tonight and it was still light so much later now....


And as Sara left so late and I then had to get on my PC b4 bath etc and then I needed to nip to More Reasons To Shop At.... to get some greaseproof paper in order to cook the delicious dinner we had I just haven't been able to do any gym
But as Sara commented the hairs on my legs are coming back big style, like they were before my accident. There is still a way to go but I am getting there

Nag nagety nag

So Sara came round this morning and we went out and walked half way up the street, all uneven etc, without my wheelchair accompaniment. So then I had to walk back which I did.
Then she made me walk into the kitchen and prepare lunch on my own two feet. So she reckons every day I should walk into the kitchen, make my lunch etc etc and walk back out afterwards