Sunday 31 December 2017


And we are off out in a bit to the pub up the road for a new years celebration. Wonder how many locals will be there?
And it wasn't too bad actually. OK, most of the night we talked to 1-3 folk but it filled up at the end
AND as recommended, I just drank the normal strength bitter, 4%, rather than the treat one which was 6%. So I could drink 4 pints and still walk back to the car without any disasters etc, whereas with the stronger ones 3 pints is my limit

Windy As Feck

And last night when I was lying in bed there was an enormous gust of wind, really strong, the power went off for a couple of seconds then came back on.
All the digital clocks said it was 00:00 for a couple more seconds before they settled down and said 04:43 or whatever it was. My PC in the bedroom that had been switched off "came back to life" and had to be manually switched off when I got up s'morning