Tuesday 17 January 2012


So for dinner tonight I made a veggie burger thingy which I would usually have with oven chips but today I decided that as I am slimming just 2 pieces of bread to make a sandwich would be more slimming. So dunno, but I hope so
Looks like I might be right


Then tonight I was gonna cook my dinner, I opened the freezer and reached for the top drawer. It wouldn't open, it was stuck. I strugled with it for 2 or 3 minutes, still no joy. So I pressed "emergency call" and asked for some help. He said "10 minutes, is that OK?", eventually arrived and tried to open it.
No joy, he struggled, got the big knife that I had tried, still no joy. About 7 minutes later he finally got it open and turned over the packet that was jamming it

TOO Busy Then

So then this afternoon Paul and Denyse came round to tell me what they had been talking about in their meeting about me and then there was a knock on the door and it was that Toby chap coming for his weekly visit early as he had plans for tonight. I think next time he comes early it would be fine but as Denyse was here having a meeting it was a bit strange. Afterwards we took him to Waitrose and spent loadsa on food but I wouldn't buy him f*gs

Ultra Decadent

So because there is no MOS coming here s'morning so my alarm clock was set for 8.45 as usual when it went off (I forgot to switch it off last night) I reached out, pressed off and nodded off again until 10AM