Wednesday 16 August 2017

How Fat Did I Used To Be

So I am 2lbs short of loosing 5½ stones in the past. Just fark, I am still a chubby(ish) bloke, where the fark did I keep that 5½ stones????

Gym Wonkyness

And we popped to gym s'morning with instructions not to do any arm stuff as my neck/shoulder is wonky. First of all we tried the cycle but I only managed 1 km on that so then we tried the treadmill but again after 10 mins I was knackered

'Net Usability

So yesterday the internet failed occasionally and took ages to connect to my uploading website connection (FTP), whereas today, so far, it has been as quick as a very quick thing


So my neck is still hurting but my head is turnable around again. Even tho my neck hurts I can look to both sides again, for the first time since Friday