Sunday 3 June 2012

Proper Shower

And I had another proper shower tonight. It has come so straightforward that it is probable as easy as washing my pits and my bits at the sink. Getting dried is still hassle but practice......
Tonight I went out the front for 5 minutes with no shoes on, to properly dry my feet. It was a bit cold but seems to have worked

Dull noon-er-aft

Then this afternoon we had very little to do. Tiny was tapping away at the laptop and I was doing........ bu*ger all


So me and Tiny went out trying to buy Chino's today. No where sells big enough ones for a fatty like me and buying online won't work as they won't be posted until Wednesday, after the bank holidays, and as I need 'em for Thusday when I go to Belfast it will be too late
And during our look about we had to go into Boots and buy some anti-hayfever medicine. There was a branded drug thingy at £3.75 for 10 or a Boot's own medicine which contained exactly the same quantity of the same drug which only cost £2.25 for 10. Which was buy one get one free. So guess which I bought?

Up Pillows

And I slept on my up pillows for the first night last night and I must say it is much better, about 1 inch higher than on my old pillows but I like it